Monday, January 2, 2012

Yeepee Skeepeee

Hello my fellow Bloggers! So 2012 is here and that either means it's just another year or the end of the world either way I plan on making it a way better year than last year. I wanna mark off a few more things on my bucket list and what not. I plan on laughing more often than I already do and having a good time in whatever I do. If only I could get paid to be a great friend. My cousin suggested that I should start a friend service but I am scared that if I did that would lead to prostitution and lets face it I'm no top shelf hooker like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. (Sorry I went on a little tangent just then)  So I went on a job interview to work at a Veterinary office but needless to say I didn't get the job because I work harder than all 3 of the other receptionist combined. I guess the awesome work ethic that I got from my parents really came back to kick me in my ass. Oh well on to the next one. I still work at the daycare and even though I love children my teeth do not seeing as I grind my teeth all day long and now have some dental issues. But that's nothing some abesol can't fix. I look forward to the day when my jaw doesn't hurt at the end of the day cause of grinding. I would really like to get a "new to me" car this year. Time to grow up and get a 4 door car. Although I will miss my excuse for not driving anywhere because of my lack of not having enough room.  I still have all 3 of my dogs and now add to it some freshwater angel fish. I know it may be boring to most of you people but I like my little household life. It maybe boring but this gal has big dreams. Like for instance going back to NYC at the end of this month. You may wonder why I like to go to NYC in January and I will tell you during the winter it is all about survival and not fashion cause lets face it I am not very fashionable. In the winter everyone is in think jackets and scarves and hats and gloves and ugly snowboots and that is fine with me. And no one questions you about why you have such horrible hat hair. It's about getting from one place to another without losing an extremity. I'm down with that. Plus I heard the subways really stink in the summer and since I am already around stinky diapers all day I would like a break from that. Oh and I don't get so pink and sweaty in the winter. Oh and it looks cleaner with snow covering everything. So there ya go I know y'all wanted to know all that. Well I hope you enjoyed my first blog entry of 2012 hopefully there will be many more before the world ends. Awesome night y'all!