Friday, January 15, 2016

It's been a while....

Well a lot has changed in my life. I am now the mom to a two year old ball of fire. My sister has had a baby and moved back from NM with her husband. My brother got married. I can't believe how much my life has changed. I have a great husband who works so hard for Cooper and I. I have friends drift in and out of my life over the past few years. The ones that I do have mean the world to me and I care about them so much.
         I am just so amazed at how fast Coop has grown up. I was so fortunate to see him crawl for the first time. To see him take his first wobbly steps. I cried when he said dada and then begged and pleaded for him to say mama. Now he says it all the time. This kid is smart. I am in awe everyday when he learns something new. He is a mess though too. I will tell him no not to touch something and he will look me dead in the eye with this evil grin and side eye and throw the object. I'm pretty sure he thinks the number 4 is "go" cause I will say "1,2,3" and he says "go" and takes off with a little cartoon pulling his leg back before he takes off.
    I am going to try to keep this blog up for Cooper to read in the future and he can see what a joy he was to his father and I. Also what a little butthead he could be. So maybe when he has his own children and wonders where those funny little quirks that they have came from.
     I want to keep this blog for myself also. I have a horrible memory and I want to be reminded of all the little memories to look back on. I'm not going to even claim that I am a good mom and I by all means do not have my life together, but I am doing the best I can and Cooper seems to be doing alright.

For instance today Cooper has finally learned the melody to NKOTB "The right stuff" His memaw has been singing that to him since before he could really talk. Now he goes around humming and singing it to himself.

That's all for today seeing as this took me almost an hour to write cause he keep playing with the charge cord and coming up and pressing buttons or tried closing the laptop.
I hope y'all enjoyed this.

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